About the Apprenticeship Levy

Since April 2017, an Apprenticeship Levy applies to all UK employers with an annual wage bill of £3 million or more, whether or not they offer apprenticeships themselves. The Apprenticeship Levy is charged at 0.5% of your annual pay, paid monthly through Pay As You Earn (PAYE) to HMRC.
In England, employers can access and manage their funds through an online apprenticeship service run by the Education and Skills Funding Agency. The funds can only be used toward the cost of apprenticeship training and end-point assessments. Levy paying employers who do not expect to use all their available funds can transfer up to 25% to other employers. Any unspent Levy after 24 months expires and is returned to the government.

UK Apprenticeships

UK apprenticeships are a devolved matter. Organisations in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland who meet the criteria for paying the Levy will have to do so. However, they will not receive their funding back in the same way as their English counterparts as skills is a devolved area. Instead a proportion is returned to each devolved administration.
Please let us know if you would like to discuss Apprenticeship provision in other parts of the UK.

We’re here to help

Take a closer look at the positive impact our Apprenticeship Standards are having in the short videos below.

Contact us

If you are looking to develop your apprenticeship and Levy strategy, please contact our Business Development team. They will go through the background to the Levy, discuss your requirements and advise on potential apprenticeship pathways from across our portfolio of qualifications.

Andrew Hyslop

Partnership Relationship Manager

01234 381660

Becky Dutton

Partnership Relationship Manager

01234 381660